
  • In the maze of medical jargon, finding a Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) specialist can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. We've got your back with expert tips on how to locate the right specialist who can unravel the mysteries of TOS and provide you with that much-needed diagnosis. From understanding symptoms to navigating treatment options, we've got all the insider knowledge you need to kickstart your journey towards relief.

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I feel badly for the elite athletes who develop TOS. These athletes have a short career, and the diagnosis of TOS is often not made until several other diagnoses have been made and discarded.

But my hope is that each of these high-profile cases pushes the envelope on raising TOS awareness throughout the medical community and lay-people. As awareness grows, the diagnosis will be considered and confirmed earlier, and treatment will begin earlier, with better results.

Kudos to Hartford Healthcare for staying on the cutting edge of TOS. You can read more from their Thoracic Outlet Center here.

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